Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh The Bedroom

Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh was a fascinating artist. He was most famous for The Starry Night, The Bedroom, Irises and Sunflowers.

Vincent van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853, in Groot-Zundert, Netherlands.

Van Gogh was 27 years old when he painted his first piece.

Van Gogh was good friends with another famous artist, Paul Gauguin.

He painted over 900 paintings in the space of just 10 years.

Van Gogh only sold one painting in his lifetime, called "The Red Vineyard". Like many painters he only became famous after he died.

His most famous painting is "The Starry Night".

Vincent van Gogh

You can see The Starry Night at the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMa).

Step inside Vincent van Gogh's artwork.

Suggested Activities:

Create in Your Own Style

Do some research on van Gogh's paintings. Find one that you like and try to create your own work of art using his piece as your inspiration. Bring in your own personal style and use any tool you like (e.g. paints, crayons, pastels, plasticine, digital, photography, etc.). What painting do you see in this artwork?

Paper Art

Recreate van Gogh's Sunflowers using recycled paper.

Crayon Line Art

Van Gogh used lines to create the wind in The Starry Night. On a piece of paper, use crayons to create your own night sky with swooping lines like van Gogh's. Paint over your crayons to fill in your night sky with watercolours.
Bonus Challenge: Try and find the 7 elements of art in The Starry Night (line, texture, space, shape, form, colour and value). See if you found them all at Quizlet.

Become van Gogh

Challenge for the whole family - try your hand at recreating your favourite van Gogh portrait.
Image Image Image Image

Your Favourite Place

Van Gogh was inspired by a real cafe when he created "Cafe Terrace at Night". Find and photograph your own favourite place and try to recreate it through drawing and painting.

Van Gogh Doodle

Use pencil, ink or digital drawing to create intricate designs in one of van Gogh's paintings. Here are some examles of The Starry Night. Use The Starry Night template found below or visit the online van Gogh museum for a variety of free templates to print out and fill in (or start completely from scratch).
Via Pinterest - Carol TenBrook
iPad via Pinterest - Tasirupekaharo
Via (click to print)

Vincent van Gogh Videos

Virtual Reality and van Gogh

Step Inside a van Gogh Painting

Art With Mati & Dada - VanGogh