Grassy Melodic Chant
Alma Thomas
Alma Thomas was born on September 22, 1891. She was an artist and teacher who lived and worked in Washington, D.C.
She is now recognized as a major American painter of the 20th century. Thomas is best known for the exuberant and colorful abstract paintings that she created after her retirement from a 35-year career teaching art in Washington.
She would not become a full-time, professional artist until she was 68 or 69 years old.
Her early work was representational in manner. Toward the end of her life, her style moved "to a color-filled, impastoed geometric abstraction of tessellated brushstroke patterns."
These paintings have been compared to Byzantine mosaics and the pointillist paintings of Georges-Pierre Seurat.
Some of her most famous works include The Eclipse, Fall Begins, Orion, and Grassy Melodic Chant.
The Eclipse
Fall Begins
Using Thomas’ The Eclipse as inspiration, connect the importance of the sun to our Earth’s survival. Discuss the colour choices and construction of Thomas’ piece (cool and warm colours and implied texture – looks like it would feel rough). Inform class that we will create actual texture in our work today (will feel a certain way to the touch). Use tissue paper and rip or cut several small pieces in desired colours. Draw the lines of your sun on hard paper (e.g., white cardstock). Glue the tissue paper on until paper is filled.
Note* extend conversation to include animals and Earth Day.
Try to draw the sun (2D) you created using markers. Attempt to imply texture (jagged edges, rough surface between colour pieces).
The Eclipse
Choose animal, look at pictures of animal skin up close and decide texture. Choose two colours (minimum) for animal skin. Paint white cardstock entire main colour (e.g., green). Using second colour, paint small design on top. Use jagged edge if rough, seamless edge if smooth, etc.
Choose animal, look at pictures of animal skin up close and decide texture. Choose two colours (minimum) for animal skin. Paint white cardstock entire main colour (e.g., green). Once dry, place texture art medium (e.g., cement paste, gel, white glue) to create actual layer of raised bumps on page. Try to make edges the way they believe animal skin to feel. Once dry, paint over textured medium with second paint choice.
Using Thomas’ Wind Dancing with Spring Flowers, Carnival of Autumn Leaves, and Red Rambling Rose Spring Song as inspiration, talk about what represents Earth Day to them (what in nature appeals to them, is special, holds importance or significance). Discuss how you could represent these elements in an abstract way like Wind Dancing with Spring Flowers (colour and position). Record ideas for inspiration. Use stickers or construction paper to create a mosaic inspired abstract piece. Make sure to come up with a title for each piece.
Wind Dancing with Spring Flowers
Carnival of Autumn Leaves
Red Rambling Rose Spring Song
Using Thomas’ Summer at its Best as inspiration, create lines using various colours and repeating patterns that best represent summer. Use finger or brush to create shapes in a vertical line formation to fill the page.
Show Thomas’ Fall Atmosphere and create a vertical print for each season.
Summer at it's Best
Fall Atmosphere